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Backup sync job to network file server error 4196

I tried to set up the backup job and sync the data to the network file server, but it always shows error code 4196 (Failed to get free space on the target location or the target path does not exist. Please check and try again.)

Can someone advise? 

[2023-05-30 16:09:31] Sync Parameters:

[2023-05-30 16:09:31] IsNotBackupSub:      0
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] IsNotBackupHideFile: 0
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] IsNotbackupSystem:   0
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] IsNotbackupEmpty:    0
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] IsIgnoreOccupy:      0
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] IsNew:               0
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] SyncType:            1
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] FileFilter:   
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] FolderFilter: 
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] DestPath:     \\\Standalone_Backups\ICE3_ADEV129-01\
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] SrcPath-0:     C:\iCE
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] SrcPath-1:     C:\CBL Service
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] [997     ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(437): Connection3 0
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] [997     ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(500): 0 = InitNetWorkPath(\\xx.xx.xx.xx\Standalone_Backups, xxxx\xxx ...)
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] [997     ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(437): Connection3 0
[2023-05-30 16:09:31] [997     ]EnumRemoteFolder.cpp(500): 0 = InitNetWorkPath(\\xx.xx.xx.xx\Standalone_Backups, xxxx\xxx ...)
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] Create VSS successful!
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [5       ]SimpAccuSync.cpp(610): GetDiskFreeSpaceEx \,5
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [5       ]uResult return code: 0x02631064, SimpAccuSync.cpp(612).
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [0       ]CreateSync(pPARAMETERS, sizeof(*pPARAMETERS)) return code: 0x02631064, SimpAccuSync.cpp(164).
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [2250    ]m_pCurTask->Execute(pParam, uLength) return code: 0x02631064, FuncExecute.cpp(164).
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [1200    ]dwErrCode==NO_ERROR return code: 0x000004B0, ISetGAFourInfo.cpp(90).
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [1200    ]ISetGAFourInfo.cpp(99): dwErrCode: 1200
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [1200    ]dwErrCode==NO_ERROR return code: 0x000004B0, SendGAData.cpp(2849).
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [1200    ]SendGAData.cpp(2858): dwErrCode: 1200
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [2       ]m_pTaskMgr->Execute(0) return code: 0x02631064, BackupLogic.cpp(733).
[2023-05-30 16:09:48] [1008    ]TaskInfo.bSendMail return code: 0x00000000, helper.cpp(1644).
[2023-05-30 16:09:50] [0       ]m_hMonitor!=INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE return code: 0x00000000, BackupLogic.cpp(2162).
[2023-05-30 16:09:50] [2       ]GetFileAttributesA(szDir)!=INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES return code: 0x00000002, helper.cpp(729).
[2023-05-30 16:09:50] [2       ]ReadFromeSchedFile(szwParam, 1024*sizeof(WCHAR)) return code: 0x00000002, helper.cpp(769).


  • @AlanTam, Please make sure the network is smooth. And, please try to re-add the NAS under Tools--Storage Management, and then run the sync task again.
  • In my case, I had already made a Full Backup successfully to my Windows 11 File server. When I tried to make an incremental backup a month later, I was presented with this error message:
    Failed to access the network path, please check if your username, password, and network path are correct.

    Even though Windows was able to see the network shares, AOMEI could not see them for some reason.

    I started started trying whatever I could until I found the culprit. For some reason, the SMB feature had been uninstalled from Windows in both my Windows 10 (source) and my Windows 11(file server). Its in "Turn Windows features on or off". I simply ticked anything that had SMB in it and then I restarted.

    It seems that AOMEI uses SMB for accessing network shares made by Windows.

    Now, everything is working fine 👍

    (not my AOMEI screenshot, but this was the error)

  • edited June 30
    I think Windows update caused this problem.. They shouldn't change these things without notifying the user. It was very confusing. I almost switched from AOMEI to Windows backup, but it was so slow that I literally couldn't believe it. Glad AOMEI can see the destination folder on the network again. Whew😅

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